Over at ASUS PC DIY there's a new video completely detailing the Matrix GTX 980 - from packaging, to card spec, to disassembly and engineering discussion to live overclocking performance! The chapter marks are linked below the video if you want to jump to a particular area of interest.
Chapter breakdown
0:08 - Introduction
1:20 - Packaging
1:50 - Accessories
3:19 - Maxwell & GTX 980 Architecture
9:45 - Specifications
11:25 - External desgin and display connectivity
17:42 - Disassembly
18:52 - Analysis and breakdown of heat sink and fan assembly
21:00 - Internal analysis and breakdown of PCB, VRM and power topology
28:00 - Thermal performance and fan duty information
33:50 - Overclocking
38:50 - Wrap up and conclusion